When an idea presents itself more than once or twice within a short amount of time you can be sure it's something you need to stop and pay attention to.

Not long ago my Pastor spoke on "I Am". How often people say "I am sick, I am broke, I am ______" By stating this "am" you are bringing something immediately into being. Now maybe you aren't physically always seeing the result of your "I am" but mentally at least you immediately begin reacting when you say "I am". Pastor Craig spoke of how we can change our "I am" into something positive and uplifting. He said that there was a direct correlation between the God of Moses (in the Old Testament) saying "I Am that I Am" and us stating "I am _____". If we live with the power of God within us this makes complete sense.

Last night I was watching a special with Wayne Dyer on OWN and he too began speaking of "I am". He brought up the scripture in the Bible that paraphrased says "speak the things that are not as though they were". He was asked if the Law of Attraction is the same as manifesting and he responded with no. Dr. Dyer stated that the Law of Attraction is all about stating what you WANT where the art of manifestation is focusing on what you have and what you are. Dr. Dyer also highlighted the story in the Old Testament where God states "I Am that I Am". He was using it to show that God is everything and is in everything. Therefore if God is in us again think of the power of our words when we say "I am ______"

Having heard the phrase "I am" pop up in my life so much recently it has brought my awareness to the words that I speak. I may not quite be perfect (Although that's a whole other blog- according to a fantastic man of God, Pastor Bolar, we can in fact be perfect) but I'm working on it. I will try from this day forward to speak more life into my "I am's" (How crazy is this...as I sit here typing my 4 year old is running around the living room saying "I am" over and over again totally out of the blue....)

I challenge you today to make your "I am" one of life and power and uplifting. Life is literally what we make it.
