A Fresh Coat of Paint

The other day I got into a zone. I found a half used can of paint and went crazy touching things up. While I was doing this I had quite the revelation.

As I was painting two things happened. Number one I literally transformed the rooms. I painted one room entirely in a plain coat of white paint. What a difference. The whole room looked cleaner and brighter. In another room all I had to do was a little bit of trim work. The room was still changed in a huge way. In the last room I did some touch up to the walls. There were dents and dings from tiny little hands that live with me. Each stroke of the paintbrush hid some of the damages that have been inflicted.

Enter revelation number two. I stumbled across a portion of the wall that paint would not hide the damage. I am going to have to cut a hole in the wall and patch it. There will be some labor involved. There will be some initial damage that has to happen. Then there will be a time where the repairs have to set before I can paint again.

Wow. That really spoke to me. Think about situations in our lives. We have some that a fresh coat of paint will "fix". Maybe a relationship that we had to let go. A fresh coat of paint and our whole outlook is different. Everything is brighter. Maybe we have had a fight with someone or just a really bad day. All we might need there is just a little touch up.

Then there are situations in our lives that have left major damage. They leave us with holes to deep to hide. They leave us with spots gouged out of us. These are the situations that call for a total renovation. We might have to rip something out, leave a time for healing, and start completely over in the building process. It's profound I know.

I challenge you today to take a look inside and see what you might need to do to get your "house in order" so to speak.

Until next time...be blessed.
