Do What You Love

Do you ever wake up having one of those days where you just want to sit outside all day? Or maybe it's shopping that you would spend your time entranced in. It could be that you are a photographer wanting to see the beauty in everything around you. You could be a painter wanting to transfer the image from your heart to canvas.

Whatever it is that you love, DO IT! I know there are days where all I do all day long is write. Some days I may spend the entire day enjoying food (in moderation of course). Maybe I spend hours on the Internet researching something and increasing my mind. I will often spend hours entranced in conversation with someone that stimulates my mind.I know my husband enjoys walking and being in nature. My son draws for what seems like forever. My daughter enjoys destroying things (keep in mind she's a year and a half old).

My point simply is this, do what you love. Even if you aren't able to do it every day, take a day a week or even an hour a week, just take time for you. When you take time for yourself you immediately begin recharging. When you combine that with doing something you love it is like recharging yourself with a super charger. You allow your mind to be in the moment and not in a million things around you and you allow your true inner self to experience the greatness around you.

I think I am going to spend much of today writing. I challenge you today to take a moment of time and do something you love.
