I Am One of "THOSE" People

I felt like doing a really random blog about all the crazy awesome things I love. I am one of those people that believes in these weird Doctors referred to more commonly as Chiropractors. I once had one give me a vial of water that was embedded with energy to combat the flu. My husband mocked me. I laughed when he had the flu and I didn't. I LOVE CHIROPRACTIC.

I also love teachings related to The Law Of Attraction. While I don't know if I agree with everything to the fullest I highly believe that what you put out there is what you are going to get back.

I love conspiracy theories. Until I see something with my very own eyes who's to say what may or may not be. I mean, there is some highly convincing writing regarding some of the major conspiracies of our times.

With that being said....yes I AM one of those people that believes in aliens. I mean, why not?? What a waste of space if there weren't other beings sharing it with us. Heck maybe there are even parallel universes where there is a girl JUST LIKE ME writing a blog JUST LIKE THIS.

I LOVE rocking out to the tunes that made me smile in my beat up old S-10. I was free. Music can take me to that place every time.

I love old gospel hymns when sung by the right singer. It takes me even further back
to my childhood and fond memories of grandparents and family gatherings.

I am one of those people that loves a good argument. Now, I'm not talking about one that winds up with the cops being called. I'm talking about one where both sides present their information, defend it, and convince the other to change their mind. Hey...every now and then I come close to losing one.

While you may think this has nothing to do with encouraging your growth as an individual, it actually does. By putting it out there I am showing you it's ok to be different....strange even. I challenge you today to embrace the things about yourself that others might call crazy. I mean it's all about perception anyway. Live your life and love every minute.
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