Snowball Effect

Have you ever felt completely at your end? Like there is no where to go and no hope in sight? I have. How did I get there? Was it something life altering, that shook me to my core, that rattled my very beliefs? Usually NO. Usually it was something like I got in a fight with my husband. That caused me to snap on my sister. Suddenly I realized my brother was being rude to me. My parents didn't support my vision. So on and so forth until I was at the bottom of the pit. I know some people have that life changing event that puts them in a depressed state, but it's usually the snowball effect. One little thing "sticks" to another and they all roll around in your mind until you have a snowball big enough to build a house in!
Ok, let's FLIP THAT!! So let's say I am sitting there in my end of the world mentality. I take 5 minutes to stop and focus on my kids and the wonder that they hold. I see life through their eyes. I connect with them. Things are looking up. Suddenly I realize that fight with my husband over the litter box was not worth it, my sister wasn't the cause of the fight, my brother wasn't being rude to me maybe he was just having a bad day, and my parents DO support my vision they were just a little caught up in their own moment. See how it happens like that? We can snowball our thoughts and emotions into this disastrous affair, or we can focus on the good in each situation and that same snowball can be one of perfect bliss.
I challenge you today to take ONE minute and focus on something good in your life. Can't think of anything? Are you reading this blog? It means you have vision, it means you are breathing, it means you have computer/Internet access, it means that you have the capacity mentally to read. Hmmm there's 4 right off the top of my head. I think you do in fact have enough snow to make a HAPPY snowball!!

For more on mindset, thought processes, and other random writings check out my site:


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