Saving The Best?

I can remember growing up how my Mom used to have the nicest china dishes displayed in her cabinets. She had those cabinets that have the glass windows that you can see inside of. In there she had all sorts of "pretties". She had dinnerware, crystal collections, the daintiest coffee cups, and anything else you can imagine. These dishes rarely came out. Every so often she would take everything out, wipe them down, and return them. It was her belief that she was saving the "good dishes" for company and such.
I'm not exactly sure how old I was but I remember a night when all that changed. It was a week night. There was nothing special going on. No company in sight, no birthdays, and it wasn't a holiday. All of the kids were growing up and we went our seperate ways more and more often. Many nights we would eat dinner in various places as one was coming or going. This particular night Mom made us eat together at the table.
I remember walking in and seeing the table set to perfection. The nicest dinner plates were on the table. Each of us kids had a crystal goblet to drink out of. The silverware had been polished to a brilliant shine. I can remember being quite excited! I knew this must mean something amazing!! Maybe her or Dad got a raise! Maybe we were getting a new puppy!! Good Lord my imagination ran wild.
We all sat down to dinner and my brother finally asked the question on everyone's mind. He said "Mom, what's going on". She said "Nothing". After much prodding and her still saying nothing was happening we came to a grim conclusion.
We decided Mom was dying!! Why else would she go to all this trouble? There was no other logical explanation. So she explained herself. And it was in fact quite logical.
She said she had been saving all of these things for all of these years. She saved them for the "perfect" moments in time. And one day it just dawned on her...what more perfect moment than the fleeting moments of our lives together.
From that day forward she made an effort to use the "good" china much more often. After all, we meant much more than company or holidays!

Just remember in life sometimes in saving the best, we never give ourselves a chance to even enjoy the best. Live life fully!! Use the best at every chance possible.

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Angela D Payne 


  1. Great story, Dawn! Your Mama was (and is) a wise woman!

  2. Agreed! I think she should stick around for a while!


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