Let's Get Political!

I want to start this post off by saying I am NOT trying to present political views or opinions. I am NOT getting involved in a Presidential debate here. However, politics completely inspired this post. Keep reading...you will see...

The other day I was riding down the road with my husband listening to the radio. We typically listen to music for the kids sake but both kids were asleep and we took this time to listen to some "adult" material...no...not that...we listened to talk radio.

On this particular broadcast was a candidate of a certain position. They were saying why THEY were the ideal candidate for their position. All that my ears heard was "The other candidate is bad. They do this wrong. They do that wrong. They have this view and it makes them wrong. They made this choice and it makes them wrong" So on and so forth for probably a solid 20 minutes.

I turned to my husband and said "I don't think anyone should win a position if they have to bad mouth the other candidates. I think if you can't win on YOUR OWN MERIT that you shouldn't win at all" Wow. How revelational is that???

So immediately I was no longer thinking about politics or candidates trying to win elections. I was thinking of myself. In my pursuit of positions in life am I winning on my own merit or do I have to bad mouth the other candidates? Do I show what I am going to do for the people or do I show what the other candidate didn't do for the people?

Of course I'm using an example here that is relatable, but I hope you get my point. I hope that as I continue to grow in my life I am doing it all on my own merit and raising people up as I go instead of beating them down.

I challenge you today to evaluate your own "lobbying tactics" and see which of the two types you are. I hope you find yourself in the ranking of people winning on your own merit.
For more of my work (including my post on why I think you SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT) check out my site:
Musings and Such 
