It's All Relative

I posted as my FaceBook status the other day "It's all relative". While many people may think that statement is referring to actual relatives/family, it wasn't. That particular day I just couldn't shake this thought. Everything is relative to what YOU believe.
I looked up the word and while you get your expected definitions of family, or related to someone by marriage, the following is what I was looking for:

correspondent; proportionate: Value is relative to demand.

The way I look at this is that everything directly corresponds to the beliefs that you hold. Let's say you are searching for success. You may want to be the CEO of a company, or you personally may find success as the lowest position in a company. You may be searching for wealth and your idea of wealth may be millions of dollars or just enough to pay the bills. You may be searching for an increase in education. For you it may mean getting a doctorate degree or it could be simply graduating high school.

In your search for the things you desire, don't base your final results on others. While I'm not saying don't have role models and people that inspire you, I'm saying don't let YOUR final happiness rest in someone else's vision. Don't let others change what you desire to obtain. Hold a vision and stay strong in that vision.

 If you grew up believing that high school is all you can do, but you desire more, then go for MORE. If you are surrounded by people that encourage you to be the CEO of a company, but you know you would be miserable there then don't do it.Surround yourself with people that will support and encourage you.

I say all of that to ultimately say this: Pursue happiness for YOU. Pursue goals for YOU. Do what it is that will make YOU fulfilled in life and make YOU feel accomplished. Set your goals to what will allow you to live the best life you can!

For more stuff to think about check out my site:
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