Christmas in July

My Dad has always said he wanted to have Christmas in July. I've often bucked this idea because I love Christmastime. There's something quite sacred about it. The weather is a specific way. Everyone is decorating. It can just be felt in the air around. But what if we DID have Christmas in July?
What if we could carry this feeling inside of us all year long. I'm not talking about the gift giving or the decorating neccesarily. I'm talking about that feeling of brotherhood that people seem to have this time of year. People come together to help others. People have a generally jovial spirit. While there is quite a bit of frustration with traffic and lines at the mall, everyone has the same goal in mind and most people try and be more understanding.
I think if we could have a Christmas in July mentality it would be a better place all around
For more stuff that might just be as awesome as Christmas, click here:
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