A Blog A Day Keeps Boredom At Bay

I was realizing yesterday that I haven't posted in a while. Between holiday dinners, birthdays, speaking engagements, school, and so on I just haven't taken the time. The past few days I have really had a creative block. I think it's because I haven't blogged :)
In these past few weeks while I have been on blogging break I had mainly been focusing on my debut speaking event. I was proud to present "Be The Most Awesome YOU". While nerves ran rampant, and there were things I could've done different, overall it was one of the most incredible days EVER! I totally validated my feelings of what I want to do with my life. Some of the things covered included "Have awesome friends" "Get busy" and "Me time". It made my heart so happy to have so many of my friends/family there to support me. I'm hoping to have the video on YouTube pretty soon.

Now that I feel my creative block has been broken you can look forward to new life being breathed into my blog. It's going to be my aim to blog once a day. I'm out to: keep my creative juices flowing, help others through my experiences, and of course create a following!! I want people to know my name!!

Also check out my site:
