Why CAN'T I Have Everything I Want??

As I was talking to my son this weekend I asked what he would like for his birthday. He said he wanted this and that and something else and the other. After this conversation continued for several minutes I told my husband I had a "moment". You know one of those moments where it hits you...an "aha" kind of moment. I said to my husband "I don't care HOW much money we have I will NEVER give the kid everything he wants all at one time". I went on to explain that while I feel my son deserves all the wonderful things in life and he is worth every penny I spend on him, if I give him EVERYTHING he wants at one time...what will he have to look forward to?
Enter my "moment". How many times have I asked God for this or that or something else? And how many times have I been given something WONDERFUL? Do I think God is going to give me everything I have ever asked for all at once? No, not anymore. Do I think I deserve it? Sure. Why won't I get it all at once? Because once I have it all what's left to look forward to?
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