Things I Learn From The Kids

I'm sitting here watching the kids play. At this point I have a 4, 3, 2, and almost 1 year old. Only 1/2 of them are mine (the eldest and the youngest). The oldest 3 are boys. Can you imagine the mayhem that ensues around here? Today is a great day so far. The boys are playing nice and sharing toys.
They are playing with the new Iron Man toy that appeared over the weekend due to a birthday party. It's a car that opens up into a play area/command post. Each of the boys has an Iron Man. At this point they have improvised and turned a GI Joe into an "extra". The GI Joe is somewhat larger than the "real" Iron Man figure so he doesn't quite fit in the car. The two older boys get creative and get it to fit by SHOVING the GI Joe in the car and SLAMMING the lid and then FORCING it shut. Enter "aha moment".
My husband says " Guys if you are having to force it then it probably doesn't fit and I am sure it won't work". Wow. Just wow. How many times are we so desperate for something that we will take a situation and shove things around and force them to try and make things "fit"? OK follow the metaphorical speaking here...not only could we hurt our hand as we force the car, but we could break the GI Joe in the process, and ultimately our mode of transportation (our Iron Man car). So here we sit with a busted up hand, a broken toy, and no car to haul it around in, all because we wanted to force something that was just not meant to be!
Oh what wisdom we can gain from such a simple act!
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