Rome wasn't built in a day

I know everyone has heard the old saying "Rome wasn't built in a day". That saying has been the basis for many trains of thought. One of my favorites is from a website I recently discovered While her system may not be perfect for everyone out there, it's done a TON for me and my family.
What I like about The FlyLady is she says "Your house didn't get dirty in one day and it won't get clean in one day either". That's a great thought in and of itself, but I like to look a little deeper into the heart/mind. A person doesn't typically just wake up and have depression, anxiety, poverty, etc. These things usually are built upon day by day. Granted cities can be destroyed in a day, and a person can destroy their old way of thinking (metaphorically or realistically) but this same person will not be able to magically "build their new city" overnight.
As I take my small steps in discovering who I am and what my purpose is I constantly have to remind myself "Rome wasn't built in a day" Brick by brick (or stacked stone as I prefer) I am building my city!! 
Also please check out my website for more:
More Inspiration... 
