Random musings

Everyday I take time to read something informational or inspirational. This morning I was going through some old content regarding the power of gratitude and manifestation. A thought came to me regarding something I have previously read. I am paraphrasing an idea that I remember reading. I am not sure where I read it so if you read something here that I may be quoting I am NOT intentionally plagiarizing....feel free to correct me.

The thought was directly related to manifestation. It's somewhat understood that "you get what you give" or "you attract your hearts desires" or "what you think about you bring about" or any other variation of this thought. People often get frustrated about why the things they are after aren't manifesting quickly enough. Let's say someone who has been living in debt or poor health wants to attract wealth and good health. So they begin focusing on wealth and good health. They do all of the things they can to begin changing their state of being. It seems though as nothing changes. They become frustrated.

Consider for a moment a garden. I will use my Dad as an example. This year we went and helped him with his garden. We went out one night and said "garden it is time to finally grow". We got up the next morning and the garden was fully grown and ready to be picked. Right? WRONG! Labor went into it. The grounds had to be plowed, weeds had to be removed, fertilizer had to be placed. Most importantly seeds had to be planted. Ok, so someone plants "seeds" of good health and wealth. THEN they wake up and it's there right? Still wrong. The seeds we planted at Dad's house took weeks to manifest plants and then weeks more to manifest a harvest.

What am I saying with all this? Don't get frustrated. You may have plowed your land so to speak. You may have even planted your seed and fertilized it. Don't get discouraged that you aren't seeing a harvest right this minute. It will come. It is there just beneath the surface waiting for the perfect timing, the perfect atmosphere. It IS there.
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  1. This is a well said and written post. I agree with you and the thought came to me concerning the garden...Now that the garden has not been attended to it is mostly dead. People that see it knows that it was a garden. It still has plants in it, and some have fruits still on the vines; however, they are not producing anymore. I hope that no one sees my garden and says "wow that was probably a nice garden at one time". We must continue to tend to that in which we have been trusted with so that it does not wither and die. Other wise, all of the labor, time, and money we have put into something is for naught.

  2. Wow. What a great insight! I hope I am still flourishing as well!


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