My Mama Raised Me Better!!

I don't know about you, but growing up my Mama instilled a few things in me. Always wear clean underwear when you leave the house. Always keep some "mad" money for a day when you just want to shop. Always be the kind of wife your husband actually WANTS to come home to in the evening (fix your hair, take care of yourself, etc).
One of the most important things that she taught me, I misunderstood. She told me "don't let anyone walk all over you". How did I misunderstand that? Not too long ago it hit me. There was this girl that I just LOVED. Quite often she would be incredibly hateful to me. She would tell me things like "wow you really look like a heifer today" or "do you REALLY need another chin?" She would say things such as "who do YOU think YOU are? You really think that ANYONE wants to hear what you have to say?" She would laugh at my insecurities and she thrived on my failures. You would think a true friend would do none of these things. So why did I keep going back around her?
I had to. That friend was me. For a long time I didn't realise that I could be just as damaging to myself as another real live human could be. The battles I fought in my own mind were just as real as any battle you could ever see. I let my own self attempt sabotage.
While you may not believe it now, once upon a time I suffered a severe round of depression. During such a time my Mama gave me another piece of advice. She told me it's ok to let friends go. (At the time it meant literal friends that were damaging to my mental well-being). Years later I realized it was OK to let my "inner-friend" go, the one that felt the need to talk so negative to me all the time.
I'm not going to lie, every now and then this particular friend like to come around and try and play. But it's like I already Mama raised me better!
Also feel free to check out my site for more:
Good Good Things  


  1. The friend you've had ... I got one like that too. Hard to get along and not so easy to say goodbye to her. But, just like you mentioned ... our mama's raised us better!

    Thanks for sharing your story. I saw it because of Jason Crabb's retweet.

    God bless you.

  2. Thank you Jeannette. I really appreciate your kind words. God bless you as well. (And hopefully you and that friend are working better now)


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